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Zonta Isulative Coating

It is a one component, water-borne, spray able coating designed to reduce structure-borne vibrations and associated sound transmissions. The coating is useful wherever a reduction in airborne noise is desired and reduced surface flammability is needed.

Product Benefits:

  • Water Based

  • Environmental – Friendly

  • Cost Efficient

  • 1 Part compound

  • Easy to apply

  • Outstanding adhesion

  • Air dry

  • High performance to cost ratio

  • Vibration Damping

  • Reduced sound transmission

  • Dry to touch in 90 minutes

  • Cures in 72 hours

  • Coating provides a tough material that helps prevent chipping, cracking or marring of painted or unpainted surfaces

  • Light Weight

  • VOC free


Application is designed for construction, architectural, automotive and general industrial use. Possible applications include

construction, architectural, industrial, heavy-duty trucks, busses, passenger cards, railcars, appliance, sheet metal panels, elevator

cabs, and plumbing fixtures.

Remove excess dust, dirt and debris from the substrates to be bonded with a clean dry cloth or air stream.
Recommended Coating Weight (Wet): 0.040”-0.120” dry
Apply coating onto substrate and air dry at room temperature. Material will be dry to touch within 90 minutes. Dry hard within 24

hours and be fully cured with 72 hours.
Coating must be applied at ambient air temperature range of 100-320C
Humidity must be 0% to 80% to dry within 90 minutes
Substrate cannot exceed 380C when coating is being applied
Keep coated parts from freezing within the first 24 hours
Heat of 500C or less can be used to force dry the coated parts.
Excessive temperatures can cause product blistering.
Air drying is the recommended process.

Application Equipment:
50:1 ratio or higher stainless steel pump
Reverse-a-clean tungsten-carbide tip, 0.021”-0.027” diameter
Stainless steel airless spray gun, disposable brush, trowel, or roller.
Use water to assist in cleaning up wet coating. A mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water should be used to remove semi-dried

material and soaking in aromatic solvents (e.g. mineral spirits, toluene) should be used to assist the removal of dried material.

Noise & Thermal Insulation Coating - Zonta

A water based viscous elastic compound manufactured specifically to dampen unwanted noises and vibration. Due to its viscous elastic flexibility it converts sound producing resonance into low-grade heat instead of noise. In addition to sound damping this product contains offer additional features such as fire-retardant, rust protection and more.

The most advance and reliable sound damping compound available; moreover trusted by the automotive, marine, industrial, housing industry.

Zonta Insulative Coating

Zonta Insulative Coating, is engineered to absorb resonant energy and reduce the transmission of airborne noise in passenger vehicles. Zonta can be used as an interior coating, or as an exterior undercoating to reduce road,engine and exhaust noise as well as provide a seamless barrier against moisture, helping to prevent rust.


  • After the upholstery or carpet is out, and the vibration damper installed remove loose debris, rust, dirt, and waxy oils to insure a solid contact with Zonta. Most new cars will not need much prep work while some older vehicles should be treated with a degreaser or solvent.

  • Mask off all interior and exterior areas of the car for overspray. Cover any mechanical or moving parts as well as wires and wire harnesses. If you don’t want to cover it in Zonta, mask it off.

  • Application - Zonta Insulative Coating can be applied with a brush, or with the Second Skin Spray gun. How Zonta is applied has nothing to do with how well it will perform. The goal, regardless of application method, is a total thickness of 1 to 3 mm. At a minimum, Zonta must measure 1mm. thick, which is slightly thicker than a credit card.

  • 2mm is better, while 3mm is ideal. At 1mm a gallon will cover about 40 sq feet.

  • Reaching a target thickness of 1 mm can take between 2 and 5 coats depending on how thick each layer is.

  • Zonta will skin over after 30 minutes depending on the ambient temperature and humidity. Additional coats can be applied at this time.

  • Most regular paint guns will not be able to spray Zonta due to the extremely viscous consistency, so we suggest using a HVLP undercoating gun, or the Second Skin Spray gun. Which ever you use, the nozzle and stem must be 2mm.





Recommended Installation Locations :

Zonta should be used as an exterior undercoating and inside the car as an interior coating. Zonta will only adhere to metal, and should not be applied to plastic orupholstery.







Floor pan - Entire floor pan including the wheel wells and lower half of the firewall or on trucks, the lower half of the rear wall between the cab and the bed.


  • Floor pan - Entire floor including the trunk floor and under the rear seat

  • Doors – Inside skin and outer skin of the door

  • Trunk - Floor, quarter panels, rear deck, lid and wheel wells

  • Ceiling – On the sheet metal and bracing

  • Firewall – Entire firewall

  • Hood – entire hood

The product can be applied with various spraying equipment.

Zonta Isulative Coating- SANSUI PAINTS
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